Qwiet AI provides real time detection of security vulnerabilities in code along with the best AI generated fixes to aid developers in finding and fixing their code with the addition of AI AutoFix.
This segment is sponsored by Qwiet AI. Visit https://securityweekly.com/qwietrsac to learn more about them!
With scores of security tools implemented, configured, and integrated security teams are overwhelmed while knowing there is still a possibility for a breach. As they work to prioritize threat exposures, it is imperative for organizations to have a clear, context-rich, and up-to-date view of their security posture. Picus Security CTO and Co-founder, Volkan Ertürk, explains how consistent security validation allows security teams to pinpoint gaps, prioritize, and quantify risk so they can reduce threat exposure.
Segment Resources: Picus Red Report 2024: https://www.picussecurity.com/hubfs/Red%20Report%202024/Picus-RedReport-2024.pdf
This segment is sponsored by Picus Security. Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/picusrsac to learn more about them!
Platformization could mean reduction in innovation, reduction in the ability to be flexible, and less competition. But it doesn't have to be this way. Like the IT industry, there are ways for the cybersecurity industry to platformize, but also to have this become a net benefit to the industry as a whole.
Segment Resources: Navigating the SecOps Cloud Platform webinar recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbzvLX-W2KY
Recon Infosec Case Study: https://info.limacharlie.io/hubfs/Case%20Studies/LimaCharlieReconInfosecMSSPCase_Study.pdf
Blumira Case Study: https://info.limacharlie.io/hubfs/Case%20Studies/LimaCharlieBlumiraCase_Study.pdf
This segment is sponsored by LimaCharlie. Visit https://securityweekly.com/limacharliersac to learn more about them!
Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw-363