Web applications have a new and dangerous security gap which requires attention: client-side security. The code and content that a web application delivers into a web browser is a ripe attack surface and requires different consideration, tools, and knowledge than required by traditional web application security. This segment will explore what client-side security is, why client-side attacks are so dangerous, and what options are available to defend ourselves from this new threat.
Segment Resources:
"Magecart 101" - a courseware-style overview of the problem for security practioners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4al8idAE_M
A quick five minute explainer on the problem and Source Defense's solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8MO45EQcKY
Source Defense's brand new (as of 5/25/22) "State of the Industry" report for client-side security: https://info.sourcedefense.com/third-party-digital-supply-chain-report-white-paper
This segment is sponsored by Source Defense. Visit https://securityweekly.com/sourcedefense to learn more about them!
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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw276